[Outdated] Bring Me Some Ammo!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

VillainTheory · 27842

James Rhodes holds a rank in the military. You'd think that would make him a good leader, a man who knows how to look after his team - but you'd be wrong. Perhaps he'd be good at logistics? Know how to manage his ammunition? Wrong again. So very wrong.

This deck is all about mistreating your poor, poor allies. Slap down as many allies as you can and make them bring you cards with Strength In Numbers. If they Band Together? Better Make the Call to Goliath and have him do the dirty work for you. Low on ammo? Give them no choice but to cover your back, thwarting as you reload.

They do the heavy lifting so you can steal the glory, relentlessly unloading your ammo and flipping Alter-Ego to get it back and do it all over again.

Keep in mind that, should you have played all of your identity's upgrades? Iron Man can actually fetch your ally upgrades. Just don't let these gifts go to their head. Their equipment is for your gain, not theirs. They're all expendable.

Just when your allies think they are safe to rest from battle? Deny them with Rapid Response. There is only one in this deck and it has Goliath's name all over it. Keep in mind however, you can also use it to order Kaluu and Iron Man to bring you more cards.

(Due to Upgraded Chassis, you should be able to afford to leave allies in play for longer without a need to chump block - paving the way for bigger Strength In Numbers gains or simply using their stats on their last HP if necessary - Mighty Avengers gives solid value.)

Good luck if you use this deck! And, if you're in the military, please don't run things like this. Please.


Nov 06, 2021 Saan · 3864

Can't use Rapid Response with Goliath , sadly. Goliath's ability discards him from play, but Rapid Response requires him to have been defeated.

Nov 06, 2021 VillainTheory · 27842

Yep! In this instance, it would be using him to thwart each turn (12 threat removed with Team Training + Mighty Avengers over 4 turns), take a villain attack, then Rapid Response. Numerically still immense worth even without his Action on the first run through his HP.

Nov 07, 2021 Saan · 3864

Gotcha =)