Adam Warlock - Rainbow Allies

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spliff · 629

I feel like this deck is pretty straight forward. It’s pretty much “all in” with Allies. There’s a whopping 7 Guardians (WTH Pip?) and then cards to play them and boost them.

Between Knowhere and Guardians of the Galaxy you’ll have plenty of card draw.

Most of these Allies cost 2 so you can get them out with just a double basic resource or "Welcome Aboard" giving you room to play Boot Camp or Hero cards.

Combat Training and Heroic Intuition are added to work with Warlock's Cape.

The Sorcerer Supreme is an obvious inclusion. So powerful to get that extra card.

There’s a couple events to round out game play. Since this build skews a little more towards Attack based Allies Impede is tossed in for good measure. Shield Spell and Side Step are tossed in for when you don’t want to block with Allies.

Lastly The Night Nurse and The Gardener round out support.