Ms. Marvel Drop Kick Stun Lock

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SoloMarvelChampion · 1333

=== Drop Kick Stun Lock ===

Use Helicarrier, Martial Prowess and Biokinetic Polymer Suit (or Nakia Bahadir if you're coming out of Alter-Ego) to play Drop Kick with only and no resources out of hand, then exhaust Ms. Marvel to return Drop Kick to your hand. Exhaust Embiggen! if you have it in play for 2 extra damage. Until you can get the combo going, there are 22 to help with the stun.

Don't use Hulk or Brawn to attack; block with them only (there are exceptions of course).

Toe to Toe is for high-health minions, (but you can use them if you get a favorable exchange against the villain). Place them under Bruno Carrelli for when you need them.

Use Aamir Khan on any of the combo pieces (Helicarrier, Martial Prowess, Biokinetic Polymer Suit) that are in your discard pile (by using Kamala Kahn's Teen Spirit ability, the encounter deck, etc.) so that when you reach the bottom of the deck you'll be drawing them. Consider putting double resource cards on the bottom as well (or under Bruno) so you can pay for everything when it comes up.

To the Rescue! is decent (better with Shrink), and it generates a resource. Don't be afraid to pitch it if you really you need the for a stunning Drop Kick.

Press the Advantage is best against a stunned enemy, but even if they're not stunned this is 4 damage with Embiggen!.

Piercing Strike, Press the Advantage and Toe to Toe are niche cards that are better at certain times. Get them out of your hand with Bruno Carrelli to use later, which opens up your hand for a bigger draw.


Aug 15, 2021 celric · 441

Unless paired with a Justice deck, you seem way over invested in damage with To The Rescue as you threat control option.

-3 To The Rescue -2 Clobber -2 Piercing Strike

+2 Looking for Trouble +1 Spider-Man +1 Team-Building Exercise should give you enough breathing room to flip often while keeping the main scheme low (and brings you down to 40 cards)

Aug 15, 2021 SoloMarvelChampion · 1333

@Cleric I haven't had any problem with flipping, even when I only want to use the Persona abilities if I don't need healing. I'm not relying only on To the Rescue!, I also have 3X Sneak By, and both get better with Shrink. The only time I've had trouble with threat was against Red Skull, and that's because he came in with the extra Delay Counters from Absorbing Man.

I don't mind running 43 cards because Ms. Marvel cycles through them pretty quickly with Kamala's Teen Spirit ability, Bruno Carrelli and Aamir Khan, but I'm testing a 40 card version now that doesn't do everything you suggested, but does add Spider-Man and Team-Building Exercise (TBH I only ever look at ally traits when I'm building Avengers, and didn't even notice that 3 of the allies I already had in place were Champions).

Aug 15, 2021 SoloMarvelChampion · 1333

The above should be @celric, not @Cleric, sorry!