

Cost: 2.

Held - Aktion (Angriff) : Angriff): Füge einem Gegner 3 Schaden zu (5 Schaden stattdessen, falls der Gegner das Schlüsselwort Wache oder Patrouille hat).

Wolverine #17.
Aus dem Weg!

Usually this is just Haymaker, which is not a great place to be. Getting five damage for this cost is reasonable, but won't necessarily come up that often. Probably just play Relentless Assault instead.

A bit better in specific scenarios (eg Master Mold I), or if you really care about that resource.

Fry · 257
Relentless assault is dmg to a minion, this card to a enemy. Thus this one is better i think. still very situational — HugoCeuz · 3