

Cost: 2.

Spiele diese Karte nur, falls deine Identität das Merkmal Avenger hat.

Held Aktion (Angriff): Füge dem Schurken 2 Schaden zu. Füge dem Schurken X zusätzlichen Schaden zu (bis zu einem Maximum von 3), wobei X die Abschnittsnummer des Schurken ist.

Scarlet Witch #28.
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Sadly, aggression did not get a very exciting card this time. Forget it completely if you're playing normal: on the first stage it's 3 DMG for 2 resources, 4 DMG on the second stage. You'd better play Piercing Strike at this point.

In expert, it can somewhat get better: 4 DMG at stage 2, equal to a Drop Kick that you cannot pay completely in , but for one less resource; 5 DMG at stage 3, equal to Uppercut for 1 less resource.

Downside, it can only target the villain. And also, sadly, you have to be an Avenger to play it, making sure that the one hero who could pull this off nicely by recurring it over and over on 3rd stage - Ms. Marvel - is also the ONLY hero so far unable to play it.


neothechosen · 11123
Only targeting the villain is a big deal for an attack, though it is an acceptable rate at 5 DMG. Might be scenario dependent whether you want this, Piercing Strike, or Relentless assault — Stretch22 · 966

I don't think I'd ever put this in a deck. There are a lot of heroes that have a 2 resource for 4 damage (or better) attack in their hero kit. And if your hero doesn't, well, if you can play this card then you're playing Aggression, so you have plenty of options to do damage, and many of these other options have a bonus effect (even going back to the core set with cards like Relentless Assault). So I wouldn't use this card unless I was playing on Expert, where I start at villain stage 2 and go to villain stage 3; but then again, if I'm playing on a higher difficulty, I'm going to want cards that do things besides damage. And, while writing this review, I just noticed that this card can only hit the villain! That lack of flexibility makes me want this card in expert even less - UNLESS I was playing some villain rush deck that tried to win as fast as possible and ignored everything else in the entire game.

It's weird that this card is restricted to only being played by Avengers, especially given how plain its effect is. I wish this card were either not trait-restricted at all, or had a more interesting effect than just plain damage. Avengers are kind of in a weird place because they have a lot of different themes within them, but no one single theme that has enough cards that you would be able to build an entire deck around it. You can tell that after the Guardians came out, they started to make trait-locked cards matter more and they made building around traits much more worth it.

(As a side note, in that regard, if you've played the Lord of the Rings LCG, the Avengers in Marvel Champions kind of feel like the Rohan cards from LOTR. They both came out early on in their respective game's lifetime, they got a few design focuses that never really came together into one cohesive deck, and a lot of the trait-based restrictions on their cards are primarily based on theme reasons rather than gameplay mechanics reasons.)