Q: Can Quake activate against a minion that is scheming for 0?
A: An enemy with 0 SCH still schemes if they activate while you are in alter-ego form. -(Developer Ruling, Hall of Heroes)
Q: Will I sill do 5 damage if the enemy is stunned and did not resolve an attack?
A: Toe to Toe does not require that the chosen enemy resolves an attack against you in order to deal 5 damage. So if the enemy is stunned, you will still deal 5 damage to it after it removes the stunned status. -(Developer Ruling, Hall of Heroes)
Q: Does playing Wiggle Room count as a defending an attack? Example, will Wrecker gain bonus ATK from the attack being undefended?
A: You cannot “defend” an attack by playing a defense card. In order for an attack to be “defended” a character must be declared as a defender. If no character is declared as a defender, then the attack is “undefended.” -(Developer Ruling, Hall of Heroes)
Q: Does playing Wiggle Room count as a defending an attack? Example, will Wrecker gain bonus ATK from the attack being undefended?
A: You cannot “defend” an attack by playing a defense card. In order for an attack to be “defended” a character must be declared as a defender. If no character is declared as a defender, then the attack is “undefended.” -(Developer Ruling, Hall of Heroes)