Doctor Strange Avenger Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Doctor Strange "Tough Enough" Heroic Ally Swarm 1466 1211 41 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Butthorn · 11

The idea here was to take @Mag 's leadership Doctor Strange deck and combine it with @Dr00 's Black Panther leadership deck with updates from 2021's new releases.

Using @Dr00 's Avengers based ally shell we use some of the lowest cost allies in the game to save resources for casting off of the invocation deck. It also lets us have big turns with Strength In Numbers netting us 2+ cards, Earth's Mightiest Heroes letting us cast a 3rd or sometimes even 4th invocation in conjunction with Cloak of Levitation. Note that while 8 allies may seem low, Call for Aid acts as our 9th and 10th ally while offering some deck thinning.

Speaking of deck thinning, 2021's biggest addition for Strange is Spiritual Meditation from the Scarlet Witch pack. It offers a free way to dig through our deck usable in hero and alter-ego forms. More strong additions include Stinger and Ant-Man, offering us cheap allies with the Avenger tag.

Cards up to preference/debate include Rapid Response versus Make the Call; one offers proactive recursion, the other reactive. I'm not sure that Avengers Tower will make the final cut but so far it has been performing well for me, along with The Sorcerer Supreme it has offered enough extra resources to keep allies out and invocations coming. I often find Wong not worth playing with this build; when you're casting 3+ invocations a turn it is very easy to get past Vapors of Valtorr by changing a stun to confuse or a confuse to a stun. Your mileage may vary.

You may notice I'm only running 2x of a lot of cards like Earth's Mightiest Heroes or Strength In Numbers. With 2-5 allies out at a time, 3x Spiritual Meditation and draw from Strength In Numbers and Winds of Watoomb, I find myself ripping through my deck with no issues finding cards I need but again, your mileage may vary. Avengers Assemble! was tested but I found it lacking as you really want to save your allies to defend to be tapped unless things are really desperate.

Try it out and let me know what you think, I think there's room for improvement.