Scarlet Witch

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

IzzyClara90 · 16

I tried to make this to be able to cover the most bases possible and with a lot of card draw. That's what I came up with, considering I do not own Rise of Red Skull. I accept any tips to make the deck better!

Version 2:

With @dr00's help, I made a few swaps here are:


  1. 2x The Power in All of Us
  2. 2x The Power of Justice
  3. 1x Helicarrier


  1. 1x Nick Fury
  2. 1x Spider-Man
  3. 2x Assess the Situation
  4. 1x Quincarrier

Mar 23, 2021 dr00 · 45825

this is a really solid deck! thankfully Red Skull would only offer a few cards (namely Clear the Area and/or Skilled Investigator), but you have some great alternatives already that you'll hardly miss them. my main worry is the low number of allies. is this meant for solo or multiplayer? if you have someone who can help defend for your with their hero or chump-blocking allies, it's less of a concern though.

Good call using The Sorcerer Supreme. Since you have access to The Power in All of Us, you could try Quincarrier instead of Helicarrier since it can help pay the right resources for Multitasking and Crisis Averted.

Another thing I'd point out is the low amount of targets for The Power of Justice and The Power in All of Us, 6 for the former and only 4 for the latter. Do you have Ant-Man? Assess the Situation would be wonderful here.

This looks like a great update to the precon. thanks for sharing :D

Mar 25, 2021 IzzyClara90 · 16

@dr00 Thank you for all your tips! This deck is meant for pure solo play. So, I should switch The Power in All of Us for Assess the Situation ? Any suggestion for what I could swap in instead of The Power of Justice? An ally or two possibly? Quake? Daredevil?

Mar 25, 2021 dr00 · 45825

@IzzyClara90 about The Power in All of Us for Assess the Situation, i think so. TPiAoU is going to be 2 resources only for 4 cards in your deck. I think in general, i'd like to try 1 of the power ofs if i have 5 cards i'd be playing quite often (like events or allies who don't stay around too long), but you have 4 cards it can work on, and 3 of them are permanents, so i don't think you'll be getting much value out of it. i think it's a similar situation with The Power of Justice, but it's 6 cards you'd probably play often.

if you swap in more justice cards that will take up those slots, it makes it more valuable actually lol, so it's quite a conundrum. imo though, -2 Power in all of us / -1 power of justice / +3 assess the situation would be pretty good imo