SCL Season 5 Round 1 - Ant-man vs Risky Business + Weapon Ma

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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L3w15 7 · 11237

SCL Season 5 Round 1 - Ant-man vs Risky Business + Weapon Master [Standard]

This ant-man deck was designed to beat Norman very quickly. There is a high emphasis on high damage events with some synergy.

Most of the allies are high in damage with the exception of Mockingbird who is an additional way to stun. Allies like Brawn, Hulk and She-Hulk are particularly strong at absorbing the indirect damage dealt when flipping Norman Osborn over to Green Goblin.

The Wasp ally is worth playing despite the emphasis. Even if you have just 1 resource, she is still a 1 cost deal 3 event which is already good enough. Plus, by playing this Wasp there are now 2 allies in the deck to enable you to pull off Swarm Tactics.