Wasp - Grey area

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10648


I was just looking for an opportunity to use The Power in All of Us and built a quick all-grey deck for Wasp. Played only a few games so far but it seems like a promising deck: I just massacred Expert Rhino and Klaw, hands down. It fared much better than anticipated, partly thanks to the number of double-resources.

Other cool includes: both carriers, Resourceful, Avengers Mansion, Assess the Situation... really helpful to have so many resources at hand, I managed to play two Pinpoint Strikes in the same turn... a few times in the same game!

Also, for survivability: lots of allies are utlimately used to to block, Down Time, Endurance)... and don't forget Bio-Synthetic Wings.

Plus, lots of to re-shuffle thanks to GIRL when you revert to AE.

Last, I filled the remaining slots with Haymaker, not the best damage card but since it can be played for one double-resource and take down lesser minions, it got played a few times with decent results.