Ant-Man - Breaking in places and stealing sh*t

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Old Ben · 1163

This is a deck built for campaign play on OCTGN. It's my first Ant Man deck, so I'm using it to largely explore what Ant Man does. I've chosen Justice mainly because my mate is playing Hawkeye Aggression.

A few notes on the build, but note that I've not played it yet, I just find writing a few notes helps me gathermy thoughts:

Lay Down the Law replaces For Justice in a typical Justice build because Ant Man seems to want flip form a lot.

As a deck for play in a two player game with an aggression pairing I've swapped out some of the stuff you might see more often in a solo deck, like Concussive Blow and will be focusing on thwarting duties, hence Followed for a bit of damage.

I'm also expecting Giant Stomp and a 5 basic attack boosted by two lots of Giant Strength will do a lot of work on the attack front.

A quick note on allies: I've not gone for Quake as I expect the Hawkeye/Aggression deck will be be able to deal with the allies nicely, and no Agent Coulson as I've no preparations, and it was a choice between him or a Beat Cop (which despite it's power, I'm starting to think that 1 is enough for most decks.

Other than that it's a deck to try and get the most out of Ant-Man's built in capabilities and signature card pool, so the Justice components are more frequently stuff that sticks around like upgrades and allies.