Come and Get Me: Spider-Woman Protection/Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

spaff · 1

Spider-Woman has two main paths to follow. One is boosting up her stats as often as possible each turn, primarily through card draw.

However her unique proposition I'm most interested in is that of two aspects. How can aspects synergize with each other? Leadership has some options to have access to non-leadership allies, and non-ally buffing abilities. However this deck focuses on a unique aggression thread of being attacked for value. Specifically this deck focuses around a card that dishes out 5 damage for 1 cost: Toe to Toe (and of course more value comboed with [ Counterattack)

This gratuitous violence is chased with the healing abilities of Med Team and Momentum Shift.

In addition to the healing, the negative value of being attacked via Toe to Toe is compensated by Counterattack and the stun from Pheromones, Iron Fist and Tackle.

This is the first pass at this deck. As a theory crafting aside, Justice is the weakest aspect for Jessica, as Inconspicuous does not benefit from the double resource The Power of Justice in the same way her other aspect cards do.

Iron Fist is the only ally I am confident needs to exist here. This deck struggles against minions, so a good answer there is warranted (still thinking on this). Currently weak solo against certain minion heavy scenarios.

Thoughts are welcome!