Seriously Prepared

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


Clear off some table space, because you are going to have a LOT of cards on the table at once!

The goal with this deck is simple, get as many preparation cards into play as you can so that nearly everything that happens during the villain turn gives you a chance to trigger a response, then use Practiced Plan to put your preparation back in hand.

You will definitely want to get your Black Widow's Gauntlet cards and/or a Helicarrier/Quincarrier into play early to facilitate spamming preparation cards.

Hero form is her best form because she can deal damage in addition to her preparation effects, also lots of her preps only work in hero form. But you can still get a lot done in Alter-Ego, Breaking and Entering, Covert Ops, The Douglass, Followed, Intelligence, Counterintelligence and Lay the Trap all work just as well there.

I have not tried this deck in solo play, so I can't speak to its effectiveness there, but it does tend to nibble away at the villain with only the occasional bigger hit from [Dance of Death] or Lay the Trap(/card/08004), so it may not hold up well against foes who need to be rushed down. It has worked well in multiplayer though.


Mar 24, 2025 LACK OF SUBTLETY · 1263

Something I failed to mention in the initial writeup: You pretty routinely get Winter Soldier at a steep discount, if not for free.

Also, if you are going up against a lot of minions, swapping out Intelligence for Informant can be a solid move and let you get away with more turns in alter-ego.