Captain Marvel, the Honorary Asgardian (aggression)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

tiagoasmus · 72

Hall of Heroes + Alpha Flight Station + Carol Danvers hability "Commander" is the motivation behind this deck. Draw a lot of cards, then destroy everything that stands in your way!

  • This deck is mainly multiplayer focused, as it is easier to fill Hall of Heroes with counters. That is also why I included 3 Relentless Assault and 3 Melee, so you can have multiple ways to deal with minions;

  • With 3 Crisis Interdiction, 3 "You'll Pay for That!" and 3 Chase Them Down, you can mildly deal with threat without commiting many resources.

  • 10 allies is a lot, I know. But Captain Marvel is a resourceful hero that can afford it, and it is good to allways have someone to block the nastier attacks. Preferably, you never have to spend an action to recover, and can just rely on the Rechannel hability;

  • 45 cards in the deck is ok, as you draw like a maniac.

Feast in Valhalla, channel your cosmic energy and go crazy!