Say ‘What’ Again! I Dare You! I Double-Dare You!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

UrinalSharts · 74

Say What Again!


Yes, there are a lot of cards in this deck, but it still works. With ten zero cost cards, 14 one cost, and 13 two cost, the majority of the time you'll easily be able to pay for several cards each turn.

Goal of the deck is to flood the board with upgrades and supports. Look at all those preparations! You won't need more than 1 of each, but just in case you cycle through some, you still have several copies of Practiced Plan in your deck to bring these back. With this being a response, you can even take advantage of this on the villain turn to ensure you get back Counterintelligence, EM Shield, Intelligence Analysis, or any number of goodies in your deck.

I don't mean to shatter your fragile ego, but this isn't the firs time Nick has had a gun pointed at him.

Nothing puts a player under the 'gun' as much as a side scheme. But we want side schemes. Enter One Way or Another. Not only do we get to draw 3 cards, but we get a side scheme! Instant win! But those side schemes won't be a bother for long. Homeland Intervention and For Justice! will make quick work of these.Throw Overwatch on on of these if you're really scared. Better yet, make them tremble by using The Douglass!

I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?


Now lets get a good look at these allies!

Agent Coulson is someone you should want to mulligan for early in the game, and without a doubt play late in the game, and essentially any time in between. You'll want him to pull out the big guns of your deck. you know, your top preparations.


Yes Phil, we all like that.

But apart from him, there are others. We Want Agent 13 to be able to ready The Douglas or even the Safe House #221 when able to. Dum Dum Dugan will take full advantage of all the excess S.H.I.E.L.D. supprts just chilling on the table, and Quake is great on her own, but somehow even better when combined with Informant.

Worst case scenario, almost all of these will make fantastic meat shields for Nick, leaving him untouchable.


Hidden gem of the deck


By now you should have seen IPAC. Urinal Sharts, what are you doing? You can't play that with Nick! Well trust me, I'm more than just a pretty name. I have a plan! We want to make sure we get Build Support out as early as possible. Even if you have to discard IPAC early, it's ok, do it. Once we clear Build Support, we get access to two additional cards each turn for the small small price of an encounter card. An encounter card that Intelligence and Spycraft are not afraid of. Just imagine it, you play One Way or Another in a turn AND get to activate IPAC, that's almost like a double hand size in hero form. What can you do with all that power?

well, something tells me I really don't have to, you'll get the idea.

But how do I deal damage?

Easy! Get those counters on the suit, and with a small deck size from everything being on your board, slap the villain around with Concentrated Fire, and be sure to use a charged up Dum Dum.


IF you don't like [The Douglass](/card/50019), an easy swap can be [Sky-Destroyer](/card/27055).

Mar 13, 2025 boomguy · 2694

Love it! Great write up too.