Unleashing Darkchylde

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AvillanDz · 50


A mystic deck without Sorcerer Supreme!?
Yes. Mainly because I don't have a copy of Sorcerer Supreme.

What about Spiritual Meditation?
It didn't make the cut because it has a mental resource.

But forget all that! What this deck aims to do is unbecoming for a Sorcerer Supreme, and there won't be any time to meditate.

This deck is all about violence.

First things first...

You gotta find Magik's weapon of choice, the Soul World. +1 attack with piercing? Yes, please!

Superpower Training is here to help find the upgrade, but if the Soulsword is already in play it can also find Magik's Armor or Crown (Locked and Loaded is also a good option and it can still be used to trigger Magik's kickers after the sword is in play).

Combat Training and "Now I'm Mad" are good to have but can be ignored on the first deck pass.

Your next priority is to get Limbo in play. Don't worry about grumpy old Belasco. If he comes knocking at your door you're more than capable of slapping him around and showing him the curb. With Limbo in play you'll get to trigger all your kickers. Goldballs, Legion and Press the Advantage should help control what you have on the top of the deck.

Swing baby! Swing!

Now you're ready to start attacking. Do a basic attack with Mean Swing and Directed Force for up to 10 damage (with piercing!).

Mad with power

What does a blood thirsty mage want more than anything? They want power, no matter the cost. When you use this deck, so do you. You see Bloodgem, you play Bloodgem. You can say you'll only use it in emergencies, but everything is an emergency when you're in a blood fueled rampage.

Sad with power

The villain attacking you will never be enough, so use Bloodgem to get your health low enough to trigger "Now I'm Mad". But if you think you're loosing yourself a bit, confuse the villain and take some Down Time. Get back to almost full health and come back swinging. Between Stepping Disc and Utopia, you got plenty of readies on this deck to sacrifice one activation.

Some magic sprinkled in

This deck is all about aggresion and if you ain't swinging, you're striking (souls). Use Soul Strike and continuously stun the villain. The deck has enough strength resources to support it. Once stunned, Press the Advantage and get card back for your troubles.

Don't die

You're going to be playing fast and loose with your health. Make good use of Magic Barrier and Colossus. Use Magik's alter-ego interrupt and Stepping Disc to put Magic Barrier on the top of your deck. It will help with trigger your kickers and you can set it up so you draw into it for the villain phase.

Card considerstions:

  • Fusillade: More damage than Mean Swing and gives us the option to seperate Magik damage output. Would replace all 3 copies of Mean Swing.
  • Precision Strike: Would help mitagate the extra damage we would be taking from Bloodgem.
  • Clobber: Good value when played from the top of the deck.
  • Sorcerer Supreme and/or Spiritual Meditation: If you must.

Mar 08, 2025 AvillanDz · 50

This is the first Magik deck I made back when Age of Apocalypse released. Played it again recently and had a lot of fun with it still.