Goldballs smacks for a whopping 4 damage each attack, more than making up for the downside of depleting your deck quicker. This is an ally I especially want to keep on the table longer with Attack Training or First Aid and combos really well with a Digging Deep strategy. The cherry on top is the chuckle you get every time you read his name out loud. I expect this card to see a lot of play.
Fabio Médina
Cost: 3.
Health: 3.
Attack: 1.
Thwart: 1.
Unterbrechung : Sobald Goldballs angreift, lege bis zu 3 Karten von deinem Deck ab → Goldballs bekommt für diesen Angriff +X ANG. X ist die Anzahl der auf diese Weise abgelegten Karten.
"Ich hab mir den Namen nicht ausgesucht."
Age of Apocalypse #41.
