Ghost-Spider - 4 Pack Challenge

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Ghost-Spider - 4 Pack Challenge (forked) 3 2 1 1.0

SoloMarvelChampion · 3092

Ghost-Spider - 4 Pack Challenge

This deck is part of a collaboration between my channel: Solo Marvel Champion and MC Deck Discussions.

In this video I created a randomized card pool with the Core, one campaign box and three packs. For this build I got:

  • Core
  • Sinister Motives
  • Vision
  • SP//dr
  • Gambit

MC Deck Discussions chose Ghost-Spider to build, and this is my version. You can see his version here, and then he'll compare the decks on his channel (You can see that video here once it's published).

EDIT: At the suggestion of MC Deck Discussions, who has had a chance to playtest this deck (and I haven't), I've removed both copies of Spider-Tingle. It wasn't strictly needed and removing them takes the deck down to 41 cards! Thanks AbisMal!

My Deck

I went (predictably) with Protection as it provided the most Response and Interrupt events to get the most use of her Ready Response and the Web-Bracelets' card draw.

Counter-Punch will only deal 2 damage in this deck, but it's "free" damage since you'll also ready and draw a card (assuming you have Web-Bracelet in play of course).

I don't really need two copies of The Power of Protection because I only have 4 Protection cars which cost 2 or more, but I'd rather have one when I don't need it than not have one when I DO need it, and since it has a resource it can be used to kick Jump Flip or Side Step as an resource!

Jocasta gets me a Defense card back to use again... Defiance, which is one of my favorite Defense cards because even when I don't know what boost card is coming (as in this deck) it does allow me to know exactly how large the boost will be (0), and since it costs 0, it's a cheap way to trigger my Responses. And yeah you might "waste" it on a 0 boost card, but the fore-knowledge of a 0 boost is worth it to me.