Madame Butterfly

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

spinnerrogers · 80

A multiplayer support deck I built to use in scenarios featuring the new "Vulnerable" keyword. Minions with Vulnerable are discarded when they are stunned or confused (which can even get around when defeated effects), making statuses on minions more valuable than they'd typically be.

Thematically, this deck represents "Madame Butterfly" leading her trio of butterfly-winged heroes and mesmerizing the enemy into submission.

Spider-Woman can play both Banshee and Siryn, each of whom adds a status to a minion each time they activate, meaning they'll dispatch Vulnerable minions with ease. Meanwhile, Spider-Woman contributes her own statuses to the villain with Pheromones and Upside the Head.

Sustain Banshee and Siren with Med Team, Mission Training, and Triage. Children of the Atom allows the latter two to target Siryn.

Med Team doubles as a support tool for your teammates and Float Like a Butterfly can be a nice handout depending on your team composition (plus I had to have "Butterfly" somewhere in the deck, right?). Indomitable rounds out the Protection cards, as it's a cheap target for spare resources and can be played hero phase. Often Spider-Woman will have 3 Defense, and it can be worth it to burn an Indomitable and prevent some damage here and there.

Although I designed this deck with Vulnerable minions in mind, it should be fairly effective against the Thunderbolts in the new expansion as well. What's particularly nice is that if you have both Banshee and Siryn out, you can repeatedly stop either type of activation.