Card draw simulator
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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Letterdenma · 148
Two songs fighting for control of your brain. Which will triumph?
This deck almost feels too obvious to require any explanation, but here goes:
- Draw cards
- Play resource generators
- Play Spectrum's own events using the additional cards and resources
- Ready when said events flip you to a different form, and use your 3ATK/3THW efficiently
- Confuse the villain if your only option for a shape-change is to flip down and back up next turn (or if you'd like to heal)
- Use allies to deal with minions, chump block, and generally provide higher action efficiency
Adjust your ally selection to taste. Currently, Hope Summers tutors out a Speed of Light or Energy Duplication, Professor X is Professor X, and Wiccan is more effective than Vivian even if she does benefit from Soaring Acrobatics.
I guess this deck is most notable for the things it doesn't run. No Aerial thwarts - why bother, when Lay Down the Law is half the price, and you have 3x Photon Speed, 3THW and some readies? Barely any tribal bonuses, as the yellow Avenger and flier selections are both exercises in whocares. No Overwatch as I mostly play single-player and her thwarting (see above) is already above the curve for true solo.
All the deck really needs is a power drill, to burrow into my skull so I can pull those wretched songs out of my head whenever I play it.
Say my naaame ... I'm gonna getcha-getcha-getcha-getcha!