She-Hulk SCL 19.2 - Oops all Events

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MrThoth · 59

Decided to try an event heavy list for the SCL season 19 round 2 against Collector 1.

This isn't a try of deck I usually run, but decided to try to end games faster than 15 rounds. So the plan is to mulligan heavy for some kind of setup, usually either Deadpool, Hellcat, Combat Training, or Focused Rage. Play as much of those as you can (hopefully you scored a double as well), then flip up and never stop punching.

If you get one of the allies, use them to keep threat from being too insta-lose if you do need to flip down one time. Otherwise, use your Drop Kick or Superhuman Strength to get a timely stun in (especially going to 2nd phase). Any turn you can start with a Clobber is nice as well, just to have that extra card back in hand to hopefully pay for a Limitless Stamina or One-Two Punch. After you are going you should be able to count on 9 damage pretty consistently a turn, either through the events that do damage or that ready you, and if you were lucky enough to get an ally out or Combat Training then this can ramp up to be enough or nearly so to take out Collectors entire life pool in one turn.

Good Luck


Feb 07, 2025 Pedroq · 223

Event decks are fun. Makes you feel like the hero beating people down. Quick Strike is growing to be a fav aggression attack but it's a skewed since it it feels so good on She-Hulk and Hulk.

Feb 10, 2025 MrThoth · 59

Yeah I was really impressed with Quick Strike. Especially after you get some ATK bonuses.