Magneto - Come together, right now... magnetically

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kingbarbarossa · 139

Magneto, despite being pretty self centered, is a great leader that tends to attract a wide array of talented followers. But at the core of that group, is his giant, inescapable ego, drawing in more and more like a gravitational field. Thus the gag. This deck aims to capture that concept between maximizing the value of magneto himself through readies, and then using allies to solve problems and block, while magneto gets his kit together for the big win. Top priority for this deck is Magneto's Cape. The cape gives a ready each turn, which is huge, but also turns on Ever Vigilant. Ever vigilant is solid value already, but gets even better when magnetos stats are boosted by his armor, and Specialized Training. What Doesn't Kill Me, easy to play with the The X-Jet on the board, keeps you in the field and gives another valuable ready. Each turn, you'll likely be activating 3 or more times, while using magnetos own powerful events, leading to victory!


Feb 03, 2025 JacenSketch · 7

Love it! Magneto, ready for anything. I'm excited to try it out.

When you played and had to make a choice, did you prioritize Magneto's cards over the cards that let you ready? Or did you choose the cards that let you ready?

Feb 03, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 1871

Good stuff, I really like Magneto and I love the emphasis on the readies

Feb 03, 2025 andyr · 10207

That's cool. I love leaning into his readies here. Especially in solo, this deck has full control of the board.

Feb 03, 2025 Kingbarbarossa · 139

Jacen - Definitely get magneto's upgrades in play asap. They'll get even more value out of the protection events. Once you're setup, I'd base it on the situation. Ever Vigilant is generally better value for the thwart than electro magnetic pulse, but if there's an attachment you want to get rid of, pulse is amazing. Nothing is going to beat the shards for damage, but the combination of specialized training and readies will get you pretty solid damage too.

Castle - Thanks! It's a fun way to play him! His events are still really powerful, but the flexibility of the readies can often be more useful.

Andyr - Nice! I was trying to make something that would work well in solo, while still delivering (though not optimized) for multiplayer. The readies do a great job of solving whatever problem comes up.