Card draw simulator
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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D.M.Tip · 795
"Let's see if I can't improve your disposition"
Hello! I'm excited to share this X-23 deck which also happens to be one of my all-time favorites. Laura is no stranger to taking advantage of incoming damage, and in this deck we use the Rogue Protection ally to aid X-23 in taking it a step further.
The Rub
Honey Badger is a fantastic target for Protective Training. It boosts her health up to 5 and opens her up as a Game Time target. You'll get to experience that sweet, sweet ready for X-23 each time Gabby takes damage, such as her consequential after an ATK or THW activation.
Rogue is the secret ingredient. She also benefits greatly from Protective Training, but we know X-23 likes taking damage, right? Why not use Rogue to ready X-23? That flavor makes sense. However, this ingredient gets a bit spicier if we use Rogue to touch Honey Badger, who triggers an X-23 ready whenever she takes damage, not just consequential. X-23 has so many ways to damage herself, she doesn't need Rogue's help there, but she does get an extra ready if Honey Badgers takes a second damage each turn. Nice!
Northstar is next in line for Protective Training. While he's not the priority over Honey Badger or Rogue, he can help keep incoming attacks to a minimum while still triggering your Villain-Phase ready. Robust, consistent flavor.
What Doesn't Kill Me keeps you ready and healthy. Straightforward. You'll usually need Grim Resolve to pay for the requirement if you don't have a The Power of Protection. A must-have healthy ingredient.
Med Team really shines as a support card in multiplayer, but here you'll utilize it to keep Honey Badger and Rogue healthy to get more readies. Keep that ready flavor coming round after round.
Recipe Recap
Aim to build your board with Honey Badger and Rogue with Protective Training. Don't forget to grab other helpful cards along the way like Grim Resolve and Endurance. Play your aspect cards like Claw Mastery and go crazy with readies once you are set up!
Regenerative Longevity keeps Honey Badger going and is much easier to use when she has the extra health from Protective Training. Electrostatic Armor is a cheap way to increase your damage output in the long run, but could be cut if you don't find it useful. Don't be afraid to flip down frequently in the early stages of a multiplayer game. It'll keep you healthy and provide enough resources to build before getting those mid and late-game turns of spicy damage through multiple readies!
I hope you enjoy Southern Honey. Let me know if you liked it and/or if you've got your own recipe!
Jan 28, 2025 |
Jan 28, 2025
Jan 28, 2025This looks incredible! Im absolutely going to have to try this deck out! |
Jan 28, 2025I imagine if I were going to play Rogue from someone else's hero kit, this is how I'd do it! This looks crazy awesome! |
Jan 28, 2025
Jan 29, 2025Looks really fun, have you tried it with sidearm? Do you get symbiote suit often? |
Jan 29, 2025
Symbiote suit is a low priority during the first pass for me, but can still help build your economy over the offensive cards in the kit or your support cards. I included it for mostly for multiplayer games where you typically have time to set up and you'll want the extra health and card draw to push into a difficult villain phase 2 or 3 or to simply to stay alive with the windfall of health. Besides Helicarrier and Grim Resolve, there aren't any other cards included to help build economy for longer matches. That said, it can be a tough choice to choose between playing a Med Team to heal Honey Badger/Rogue or to play Symbiote Suit in the mid-game. You want to keep your engine going, but it's also nice to build up. Really depends on the situation, but I like having it as an option. |
Jan 29, 2025Been wanting to play X23 with Rogue since she was released, this looks like a great way to go about it! |
Jan 29, 2025
Jan 29, 2025This looks like a blast! I’m always excited to see interesting X-23 decks. |
Jan 29, 2025
Jan 30, 2025Great combo with Rogue and X-23. Thanks for taking the time to share. |
Jan 31, 2025Buffing Honey Bagder this way to ready up is genius. Love it :) |
Jan 31, 2025
Feb 02, 2025Played this last night and it was very fun. Once you have the two key allies out, the board impact per turn was fantastic. |
Feb 02, 2025
Feb 04, 2025Went through the first villain in each expansion and save for Sabretooth I had no problems. Fun Deck! |
Feb 04, 2025
Feb 10, 2025This deck is the truth!!!!!! Just for fun I tried it against expert Klaw, CAKE WALK. Never felt like I was ever in danger. Protective Training on Honey Badger is pretty much game over. Love this deck. First time I have had any luck in protection true solo. |
Feb 10, 2025
Legit! That’s all I got to say…legit!