Ms. Marvel Very Big Hands 1.1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Ms. Marvel Very Big Hands 10 9 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

marksquare · 81

Ms. Marvel can dish out some massive damage especially later in the game. Ms Marvel’s Morphogenetics ability can reuse events, so we just need money to pay for them. That’s why this deck is mostly resources and big damage events.

The late game is where this deck really shines. If we can get Embiggen! and Honed Technique online as well as some money makers like Martial Prowess and Biokinetic Polymer Suit we are golden.

Full-Body Charge + Embiggen! + Honed Technique = 14 damage! Then we can return Full-Body Charge to hand with Morphogenetics and do it again next turn!

Ms. Marvel is so consistent due to her card suite as well as her ability to reuse events! Thanks for reading my ramblings!

Changes in 1.1 include Looking for Trouble and No Quarter which can make for some incredibly nutty turns. Also keep in mind inclusion of No Quarter is why the card count is up to 50. The higher the ratio of Aggression cards, the better the draws get! Many times it feels like you get two turns in one. This also makes this deck really easy to build with a limited collection. The recipe is No Quarter, big attacks and ways to get minions in play.

This deck is designed to be a dedicated damage dealer for a multiplayer game. It works particularly well in two player alongside a dedicated justice deck.

Thanks for checking out this deck!
