The Asgardians Cosmic Warpath of Fortune

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

gammabyte · 83

How long does your marvel champions games usually last? Thirty minutes? An hour? ... what if I told you that you can spend all evening building up the table for that one combo, while the rest of your friends try to keep the game under control?

Well boy oh boy do I have the deck for you!

The asgardian'est asgardian gets cosmic help. Pull cards in all phases, all the time... eventually...

End State

This is where we want to end up.

  1. Pull a minion in the player phase with an event. ("Come Get Me, Bub!"/Defender of the Nine Realms/Face the Past)
  2. Draw 2 cards and get bonus effects (heal and tough / thwart / 3 cards).
  3. Defend with Warpath in villain phase and use his ability.
  4. Pull a minion in the villain phase with an event. ("Come Get Me, Bub!"/Defender of the Nine Realms/Face the Past)
  5. Draw 2 cards and get bonus effects (heal and tough / thwart / 3 cards).
  6. Soften minion with Nova using an energy resource.
  7. Defeat minion with Energy Barrier's.
  8. Draw 2 cards with Change of Fortune.


  • Get all 3 protection allies on the board and keep them alive.
    • Nova is there to soften up minions in the villain phase so Energy Barrier's can take them out in the villain phase.
    • Warpath is used to play minion pulling cards in the villain phase.
    • Northstar is there for combo target with Warpath when using Serve and Protect. Alternatively he can also help by cancelling the occasional boost icons.
  • Get as many Energy Barrier's in play as possible. Don't use them on villain damage, "Come Get Me, Bub!" needs a healing target, and you will need the barrier's later for Change of Fortune.
  • Get Change of Fortune into play. Importantly Nova should olden soften minions, as you will only draw cards if YOU defeat the minion. This is what Energy Barrier's are for.
  • Play Serve and Protect to avoid acceleration threat and make Warpath tough so that he can drive the combo next round.
  • It is almost always worth playing Face the Past and wait out for Pinned Down. If you want to take down Loki you can try... I never bother.

You wont be able to pull of the combo every round, as Warpath needs to be tough and he can only optimistically get that every other round.

As the deck really only plays well in 3 players and above, the switching first player token creates some opportune moments to pull minions with Warpath.

For example you can defend with Warpath for a player being attacked after you, and pull a minion that will not activate against you. This can be beneficial if you aren't ready to deal with it in the current villain phase.

Suggested Scenarios

Scenario 1: Goblin Shootout at High Noon

Green Goblin and Unleashing the Mutagen. Replace Goblin Gimmicks mod set with Western.

The Avengers are a starring a western themed tv promo, when the Green Goblin attacks and starts turning all of the staff into goblins.

Scenario 2: Five Nights at the Arcade

Master Mold and The Sentinel Factory. Add Arcade mod set to the encounter.

Having beat the goblin the Avengers fight their way backstage, only to realize that an old storage room containing animatronics and arcade machines have come alive... now they play the lead role.

Scenario 3:

Ultron and The Crimson Cowl. Replace Under Attack mod set with Band of Badoon.

As the Avengers fight their way out of the studio, they realize that the attack on the studio was a diversion. Ultron and the Badoon have teamed up to take over the city.


Although I didn't base this deck on others, I did manage find decks with a similar feel. Go check them out as well :).


Jan 17, 2025 HeroicSkeleton · 844

I love the idea of using Warpath to get another trigger of Thor's hero ability on the villain turn! Does it really take THAT long to set up? The deck looks pretty good to me. I would consider swapping the Serve and Protects and Northstar for more Pinned Downs. S&P is probably still really good in multiplayer if your friends brought the X-allies, but needing to use up Warpaths activation just for a tough seems too slow. More Pinned Downs would make getting the combo with Warpath easier to set up, also it can pretty much eliminate Loki as a threat.

Jan 17, 2025 andyr · 9576

What a loop!!!! that's a well-thought out set of combos! love it!! also, always cool to see multiplayer decks here

Jan 17, 2025 gammabyte · 83

@andyr most of my games are 3 player, so that's probably where most of my stuff will end up ;).

@HeroicSkeleton I think that is solid advice.

Having Loki lying around with a Pinned Down allows Warpath's activation, but in some of the games that Face the Past is at the bottom of the deck and you'd have to get a minion and a Pinned down on the same turn. More Pinned Down could help speed up the process.

Coincidentally most of the games were in multiplayer (3 players) with lots of X-Men around the table, 3 acceleration threat mitigation and 2 toughs is good value. You might say that the Serve and Protects, served and protected us well ;).