Uncanny X-Men Roster 2024: Wolverine (multiplayer deck)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Caldias · 2875

To date as of this posting, in comics, one branch of the X-Men is being led by Rogue. On her team, the Uncanny X-Men, are Nightcrawler, Gambit, Wolverine, and Jubilee. I really like all these characters in comics, so I thought it would be really fun to build five decks, one for each member of the team, and focusing on multiplayer interactions. I also picked some limitations:

  • No Professor X, he's currently not around for this team. Also no X-Mansion for some reasons.
  • No allies that are on the other main X-Men team, led by Cyclops
  • Only one copy across all five decks of any unique support/ally
  • All the decks can be made with one collection-worth of cards

Here are the other decks:

The idea is any of them can be played together at any multiplayer count (2-4) and one person can be the facilitator and build them all if needed. I'll just mention the overall conceit of the deck and how it interacts with the other decks. I plan on keeping these built for a while so I can pick two and play two-handed games at any time, with any mix of aspects!

The Deck

Wolverine's the best at what he does, and what he does requires healing. We have Wolverine in protection to keep his health up so he can use Wolverine every turn.

Defiance will help limit Wolverine's damage from the villain, and Northstar also helps us in a similar way. Elixir can help keep Northstar around, and Polaris and Polaris are primo blockers. When we have toughs or extra Defiance (or just want to use our basic activation to draw three cards) we can Taunt to get to our attack events. Powerful Punch is there to save us some damage against mid-level minions. Unfortunately, you can't use claws on Powerful Punch, but it's still a useful card to avoid damage.

And since Wolverine is great at dealing with minions, "Come Get Me, Bub!" helps keep him topped off. Just remember to use your claws first, since tough will block that ability.

Some Claw targets we added are Unlikely Duo and Fastball Special, and we have the allies to pull it of.

Synergies With the Other Decks

There are some fun synergies:

  • Judoka Skill can go on anyone that wants to defend. Mostly Nightcrawler, but Gambit and Rogue as well.
  • The Night Nurse and White Queen help our teammates by removing status cards (just leave the toughs on!)
  • Superpower Training is a boon for all these heroes. Rogue probably cares about it the least but she also doesn't mind a free jacket!
  • if someone brings the Jubilee deck, that makes Unlikely Duo much more reliable!


  • Primary - Healing and Damage Blocking
  • Secondary - Damage Dealing

Other Considerations

The basic cards can be swapped between decks if you feel you like X-Jet in Jubilee more than Nightcrawler, for instance, but I did like the artificial limit of one support per hero, it felt like a fun and interesting limitation. But hey, it's your game! Do what you want, and I hope you have fun!


Dec 19, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 6329

Awesome, love you took so much time to create multiplayer focused decks. Come at me bub is a great way to fuel Berserker Frenzy and if those toughs get pesky then Noght Nurse and White Queen can fix that haha

Dec 20, 2024 Dayspring · 274

Your restrictions on cards are sick. Huge support of any head canon/comic theme restrictions and purpose. Hope the full roster fairs well!

Bonus points if you have scenario/mod pairings to stay on theme.

Dec 21, 2024 Caldias · 2875

@Man-is-Obsolete I didn't even think about that, but that is an awesome use case for both of those cards!

@Dayspring Thank you! My plan is to run these against the final boss in every box over the holidays, and I just grabbed all my favorite mods from the mutant waves to add in some flavor. I think reavers is really thematic and can stand in for the gray Malkin prison guards, and Lady deathstrike could stand in for a certain enemy from that comic run that we encountered once.