Uncanny X-Men Roster 2024: Gambit (multiplayer deck)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Caldias · 2605

To date as of this posting, in comics, one branch of the X-Men is being led by Rogue. On her team, the Uncanny X-Men, are Nightcrawler, Gambit, Wolverine, and Jubilee. I really like all these characters in comics, so I thought it would be really fun to build five decks, one for each member of the team, and focusing on multiplayer interactions. I also picked some limitations:

  • No Professor X, he's currently not around for this team. Also no X-Mansion for some reasons.
  • No allies that are on the other main X-Men team, led by Cyclops
  • Only one copy across all five decks of any unique support/ally
  • All the decks can be made with one collection-worth of cards

Here are the other decks:

The idea is any of them can be played together at any multiplayer count (2-4) and one person can be the facilitator and build them all if needed. I'll just mention the overall conceit of the deck and how it interacts with the other decks. I plan on keeping these built for a while so I can pick two and play two-handed games at any time, with any mix of aspects!

The Deck

Even though Gambit's core mechanic seems to lend it more towards Aggression, he never really clicked for me in that aspect. So, we're going to try him in Justice. We have a smattering of good allies that we can play Mission Training and thwart well, and Three Steps Ahead, which is pretty easy to trigger once Sense of Justice is up and running. Waylay is fairly situational, but even if you don't use it after thwarting down a scheme, it can get pumped up to 7 (10 if it's after a scheme gets knocked down) thanks to Gambit's counters.

Gambit also has some card draw support from Skilled Investigator.

Synergies With the Other Decks

There are some fun synergies:

  • Sense of Justice can be played on other players to help them. Jubilee has a fair amount of signature thwart events, and Wolverine wouldn't mind a discount on his.
  • Everyone except Jubilee loves Heroic Intuition
  • Skilled Investigator helps another player with card draw
  • Mission Training can be played on other players' allies as well!
  • Generation X is an amazing card that can help with some tempo swings, or to close out a game.


  • Primary - Thwarting
  • Secondary - Damage Dealing and Card Draw Support

Other Considerations

The basic cards can be swapped between decks if you feel you like X-Jet in Jubilee more than Nightcrawler, for instance, but I did like the artificial limit of one X-Support per hero, it felt like a fun and interesting limitation. But hey, it's your game! Do what you want, and I hope you have fun!