Mutant Spree

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Man-is-Obsolete · 5129

Mutants. Mutants everywhere

I ran this alongside Jubilee, which you can find here:

Storm is awesome and I don't think this is doing anything too extraordinary on its own. The couple of neat interactions is Marrow getting Mutant Mayhem and also Domino can put a superpower from hand to the top of the deck and then Hope Summers will have a guaranteed target if you Mutant Mayhem her.

Where things really shine though is playing with Jubilee and other X-Men. The benefits this and the Jubilee decks have with each other is that Shopping Spree has two awesome targets for Storm: Storm's Crown and Storm's Cape. Cell Phone helps maneuver easily around Mutant Mayhem and combined with Thunderstorm can help dole out a lot of damage. The other thing you'll notice is that Jubilee has a lot of X-Men while Storm is bringing X-Force allies and there's Utopia and that's because with Mutant Mayhem we can use the X-Men replayed from Jubilee to trigger Utopia and ready Storm.

They just work together extremely well and I hope next time you find yourself surrounded by X-Men you consider giving it a go!


Sep 07, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 511

I don't play mp but sounds awesome! Beast and marrow are great for MM.

Sep 07, 2024 theromeo3517 · 1929

Storm is always so fun going wide with allies!

Sep 07, 2024 josseroo · 702

Love the Hope Summers recursion. Gimme more Lightning Bolts sez Storm

Sep 13, 2024 journeyman2 · 23893

Storm is one of the best partners for Jubilee! Hurricane being a support can clear Shopping Spree, though thematically it's kinda just sucking the whole kit and caboodle up into the sky. Change to Hurricane->clear Spree->grab Cape->ready is such a satisfying response window

Sep 14, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 5129

@journeyman2oh snap I wasn’t even considering that! Yea because Hurricane is a support it is not your hero clearing the threat. They work even better together!!!!