Nova: Cosmic Fury

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CaptainJin · 207

This is an aggressive deck built around maximizing Nova’s powerful attacks and leveraging his unique resources to dominate the battlefield.

Nova flying

Core Strategy

The main strategy of this deck is to use Nova's high-damage events and his inherent resource generation to deal significant damage quickly. The deck is packed with high-impact attack events, efficient resource cards, and strong allies to support Nova in his quest to unleash cosmic fury on the villain.

The Mulligan

The goal of your mulligan is to set up a strong foundation for both resource generation and card draw, ensuring you can play your powerful attack events as soon as possible. Here’s what to prioritize during your mulligan:

  • Supernova Helmet: This is a crucial card for Nova as it provides additional resources, enabling you to play your expensive attack events more easily.
  • Honed Technique: Enhances the damage of your aggression events, making it extremely valuable for maximizing your early damage output.
  • Champions Mobile Bunker: Provides card draw and hand filtering, ensuring you have the right cards for your strategy.
  • Jesse Alexander: Adds valuable card draw, helping you set up your board and find your key pieces quickly.
  • Helicarrier: Reduces the cost of one card each turn, making it easier to play multiple impactful cards in a turn.

Early Game

Focus on setting up your key supports and upgrades. Use cards like Jesse Alexander and Champions Mobile Bunker to draw and filter your hand, ensuring you have the resources and events you need. Angela can help thin the deck by bringing a minion into play, setting you up for high damage events.

Mid Game

Begin deploying your powerful attack events. Use Pot Shot, Pitchback, and Dive Bomb to deal significant damage. Utilize Ms. Marvel to recur key events, ensuring consistent pressure. Play Unleash Nova Force during pivotal turns to boost Nova’s stats and allow for multiple actions, enabling explosive plays.

Late Game

Focus on finishing off the villain with your most powerful combos. Use No Quarter to deal damage and draw aggression cards, keeping your momentum. Honed Technique combined with your high-damage events will maximize your damage output. Ensure you have Supernova Helmet in play to generate resources and sustain your powerful plays.


This deck is all about quick, aggressive plays that keep the pressure on the villain. By leveraging powerful attack events, efficient resource generation, and synergistic allies, this deck aims to end games swiftly and decisively. Embrace the cosmic power of Nova and unleash a torrent of damage that will leave your enemies reeling!

Nova tooth glare