Repurpose the Nova Force

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jacinto · 100

Unleashing the Nova Force is a blast. Wipe out a minion? Ready and draw a card! Thwart that pesky side scheme? Ready and draw a card!

However, Nova has a slight problem. With base ATK & THW of 1, actually dealing damage and thwarting is a bit of an uphill battle sometimes. Sure, Nova has his identity-specific events, but he really wants to take advantage of his basic power, since every time he uses a basic power, he gets to ready the Supernova Helmet. So we need to boost those base stats.

Aggression builds can add a little ATK, and justice builds can add a little THW, but nothing can add to base stats quite like Repurpose. Throw down a Forcefield Generator, let it soak up a hit from the villain, then repurpose it to give Nova +3 ATK or +3 THW, depending on the situation. But why stop there?

This deck also has three copies of Adrenaline Rush and three copies of Civic Duty, which you can leave in play until it's time for a big burst of damage or thwarting (or both).

Other important cards:

Ms. Marvel should stay out in order to keep recurring Unleash Nova Force for future turns.

"Go for Champions!" can be popped when you are gearing up for a particularly ugly villain phase

Energy Barrier is also a repurpose option, as well as a way to smooth out using charges on the Forcefield Generator to ensure you don't accidentally use all of them.

Iron Fist provides a two stuns, six damage, and a chump block at a cost of four resources

Black Widow allows you to replace any particularly ugly encounter cards

Professor X Provides a confuse and some thwarting

Moon Girl and Champions Mobile Bunker provide card draw, allowing you to mill for Repurpose/Unleash the Nova Force/Forcefield Generator


This deck has three copies of Civic Duty for encounters where thwarting is more challenging. You might consider swapping that out with What Doesn't Kill Me if you have a second player who can handle threat. WDKM gives Nova a little extra healing and a ready to smooth out his unleash turns.


Jul 31, 2024 adsarf · 440

Nice deck. Have you considered adding Pinpoint to recur Moon Girl? I know the deck isn't that high on but she's so incredible...

Aug 02, 2024 Jacinto · 100

@adsarf That is a solid suggestion. Despite the lack of mental resources in the deck, I've never had trouble coming up with the mentals to get the full benefit out of Moon Girl. That would certainly allow the deck to get to Repurpose/Unleash more often.