Hit Upside the Head = Vision Problems

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dont_be_rash · 42

Hey, let's try to never flip down.

My favorite aspect of Vision is Intangible. This provides Vision with a lot of freedom to stay in hero form, mitigate damage and build out. This deck is all about controlling the villain's turn.

So knowing that, what enjoys a hero who stays in hero form? Confused with a mix of Float. Let's work with that. Sonic Rifle + many confuse-centric allies, + Upside the Head x Float Like a Butterfly = profit.

Go to Dense once your decks comes online (Get it? Android?) and then ready, ready, ready (Reboot). Everyone you control gets a bonus to damage with Float Like a Butterfly, Chance Encounter ensures you have the ally you most need. That includes Vivian.

Meanwhile, the Villain? He's been smacked so many times he's suddenly got a Vision problem.
