Groot- Growing up is Confusing

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Castlefrank47 · 511

The idea behind the deck here is to utilize Groots growth counters for his upgrades not to absorb damage. We went with Justice here because his thwart isn't great and we have access to some great confuse status cards. Ideally you're going to be flipping every 1-2 turns to acquire more growth counters to power his offense. To ensure safe flips, we have several ways to confuse the villain.

Mulligan Priorities:

Fertile Ground provides a growth counter and a card draw

Deft Focus decreases the cost of the next Superpower by one which most of groots kit are.

C.I.T.T provides a ready by spending 2 resources. This can be triggered by the power in all of us.

Vine Spikes provides plus 2 Attack for 1 growth counter

Lashing Vines provides a ready after using a basic power for 2 growth

Deck Strategy:

As stated the idea is to use Groots growth counters as a source to power his events/ upgrades not to absorb damage. To do this we're going to be flipping quite a bit and hitting the villain with confuse/stun.

The most important card is Fertile Ground which makes the flips even more strong. Exhaust it and you have a 7 card turn plus an extra growth counter. Followed by Deft Focus which allows us to decrease the cost of the next Superpower by one. This can put an upgrade into play for free or cut the cost of his events.

The 2 upgrades I prioritize are Vine Spikes which gives +2 attack and Lashing Vines which provides a ready after using a basic power.

To allow for safe flips we have "Think Fast!" and Upside the Head. Think fast will allows us to confuse an enemy be dealing one damage to ourself which most times can be absorbed by growth counters. I really like using this when I have one counter left and then flip.

Upside the Head confuses an enemy after we attack them, however if they are already confused it will stun them as well. Comboing these 2 cards allows you essentially 2 free turns to build counters and deal some damage.

Lay Down the Law pairs well with our strategy. After flipping back to hero, you can remove 3 threat for 1 resource( 4 if you use a mental resource).

Clear the Area removes 2 threat and if it removes the last threat allows us a card draw.

Vigilante Training allows us to shuffle 2 Justice events back into our deck. This is helpful if you had to spend some early when getting set up.

Gamora allows us to discard until we get an event. Since half the deck is events, she is great mid to late game after you have some setup.

Rocket Raccoon is our Swiss army knife. He can thwart for 2 or he can be your minion killer.

Martinex is valuable as a chump block if you have a turn where you don't have the ability to flip or are out of counters. He's also great for pinging toughs.

Hope Summers is great as she can grab a Superpower from the deck.

Eros is great for thwart, confusing minions and chump blocking if necessary.

Drax provides big damage to the villain. This is beneficial in games where you have a lot of minions or threat has piled up.

Once set up, Groot can really dominate. A turn can look like with just 4 growth counters.

Thwart for 3 with his Entangling Vines. Ready from Lashing Vines and then attack again for 4 with Vine Spikes.

If CITT is out you can dump 2 resources to ready again.

Or if there is a minion, play Root Stomp to kill it and give yourself another counter. Then spend that on think fast ton confuse the villain and flip down. Or use that counter for "We Are Groot" and give yourself a tough.

There are alot of options and decisions you can make during your turn which makes for a really fun experience.

Any feedback on your exepriences with the deck would be appreciated


Jul 01, 2024 corbintm · 1723

Good stuff here, I'll be checking it out!

Jul 01, 2024 corbintm · 1723

Wanted to highlight a neat combo here with upside the head and think fast. For Groot this means you can get that alter-ego access and potentially stun the villain to maximize keeping those growth counters!

Jul 01, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 511

@corbintm thanks for checking it out and appreciate the kind words! Also your feedback in the discord! I did put the combo around upside the head/ think fast in the deck description, I might not have highlighted it enough though