Spider-Woman's Core Set Upgrade for Multiplayer Campaign

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Spider-Woman's Core Set Upgrade for Multiplayer Campaign 2 1 0 1.0

Shetenonu · 985

Spider-Woman with Justice and Protection aspects, inspired by her precon list using upgrades from Core Set only. Built for beginners in multiplayer as a support role through healing and thwarting. Could run solo but would have a harder time dealing damage.
Probably best paired with an Aggression or Leadership aspect Hero, intended to pair with my Aggression Clint Barton deck, here: https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/3869/hawkeye-s-core-set-upgrade-for-multiplayer-campaign-1.0

Early Game:

Late Game:


  • Avengers Mansion can be swapped with Helicarrier or similar as needed depending on her partner Heroes.
  • Pheromones can set up statuses for Hawkeye's Arrows that care about stun/confusion.

Hope this list helps you out!