Scrap and Salvage Team SCL 17 Rnd 3

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AncientEpithet · 744

"Wait, she's got six arms? Think we can scrap one of those? I don't think she needs all six do you?"

This deck was fast for this round of the SCL. 4/4/6 were my rounds, with clear boards besides a threat or two on Search for Spiral.

The key to this deck was not trying to play optimally. Rocket has several upgrades that you can play, use one counter, then scrap - like the battery pack - and that's precisely what you should do. Beast can recur Salvage, so you should be putting key tech and cheap techs back on top of your deck pretty regularly, meaning a discarded tech is only going to come right back to hand.

Hawkeye is in the deck mostly because I didn't have many physical resources with which to deal with the goblin, but she's great for extra damage if you've got a spare resource or card. I used Rapid Response to bring Beast back and get back a Salvage, which then would let me pull a tech card back onto my deck. I flipped as often as I could - I wasn't super worried about Spiral building counters as my thwart was 3 once I got my boots out (turn 1 on two of my games), and with my Cybernetic Skeleton and Endurance, I had spare health for triggering the response on Search for Spiral. Moon Girl and Nick Fury sped up the card draw and got me my resources and Plasma Rifle more reliably. This deck draws so many cards, I decked out in 4 or 5 turns. The key decisions varied each turn as I needed to juggle putting out tech and selecting which ally I might need at the time, but there was only one turn where I didn't have good options in hand (which led to a 6 turn clean win instead of a 4 or 5 turn clean victory).