Pete and Raz go on a date!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ScarletRhodey · 375

I was thinking about a way to really showcase Giant-Man as he is one of my favorite ally upgrade targets. Then I realized that Star-Lord was a really good option since he can make Raz into a 2 cost ally, and can get access to Guardian and Avenger upgrades. I went with Call for Aid and having no other Avenger allies, but using cheap helpful ones.

Then realizing that they are both queer characters who could date eachother, the theme for the deck was born!

Only played it against Sandman so far and it did struggle a bit, but when I was able to get Raz out even with a couple updgrades and Team Training, he was doing crazy work.


May 29, 2024 wehehe · 177

What about Teamwork ? It lets you use Giant-Man's strength without consequential damage if needed.