See Your Doctor

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

andyr · 4714

Strange Support

I enjoy Dr. Strange, but sometimes, I get tired of spamming the invocation deck without a care about my teammates or the board. This deck series uses Strange's strengths to have a support role on the table using each aspect.

Go See the Doctor

It happens to everyone. Sometimes, we just aren't able to get the hands we need to keep up a strong tempo. Performance issues happen. There's nothing to be ashamed, just talk to your Dr. Strange. Tell him that it feels like your deck is shuffled in a bad order. It happens to most decks.

The goal of this deck is to use Global Logistics to help people get the hands they need in the next round. This is definitely helpful when you see a teammate struggling to get the hands they need to play efficiently.

Incentivized Thwarting

As a support deck, your goal is to incentivize thwarting for the group. Give everyone a Skilled Investigator and give two teammates a Heroic Intuition. Everyone will want to get rid of a side scheme so that everyone can draw. You won't have a Skilled Investigator, but you will have a Heroic Intuition. It's okay, you can draw no problem with Winds of Watoomb when it comes around. You may even choose to stay on Winds and use Master of the Mystic Arts to keep it on top.

If you're playing two player, remove 1 Skilled Investigator and 1 Heroic Intuition. You can replace them with 2 Sense of Justices, 2 Justice Served, or 2 thwart events of your choice.

Mystic Logistics

While this support deck is to help your friends get the hands they need through Global Logistics, it's also nice to use on yourself or the encounter deck for Magic Blast or Astral Projection. This way you can maximize the effects on both. That's more useful in mid-game where you're trying to turn the tide against the villain. Ensuring you have a wild (or at least a resource you want) for Magic Blast or putting a 3-boost card for Astral Projection is pretty huge (especially if you use Overwatch on that 6 thwart).


Dr. Strange's invocations are nice because they get around things like guard, patrol, stun, or confuse. However, be careful that Overwatch only triggers off of a thwart. So Images of Ikonn will not be able to trigger Overwatch. In this deck, since the team will be relying on everyone to thwart with either a basic (3) thwart or a thwart event (that's usually 3 or 4 threat removal), you'll use Overwatch to keep the main scheme in check.

This deck will help everyone make sure their deck has the right cards in the right places. Plus, who doesn't hate when you draw all your favorite supports in one hand with no resources. After seeing the doctor, these performance issues will happen less.


Mar 27, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 238

Love the write up! I've never played Strange (even though I have him). I know it doesn't apply to this deck but any tips for running him in solo Justice?

Mar 27, 2024 andyr · 4714

Thanks, @Castlefrank47! You can still use this deck as a base. You might add in Wiccan and Cosmos now that you know what’s in the encounter deck. You can also replace some of the one per player cards with Justice Served so you can use your three thwart to finish a side scheme, ready with Justice Served, draw from Skilled Investigator, then use the invocation deck.

Mar 27, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 238

@andyr thank you, I appreciate it. I'll definitely give it a shot.