Ms. Marvel - Stunning Protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jammydude44 · 34

My take on a Ms. Marvel Stunlock deck.

3 x Tackle to get it in your hand early, where you should use Morphogenics to bounce it back to your hand each turn. It should really only be used as a resource for an Embiggen! buffed Big Hands attack.

Mockingbird for further stun control.

Expert Defense and Wiggle Room helps to cover you for the odd time you might not have stun, or require some defence for Get Behind Me! to avoid a nasty encounter card.

Resource wise there is a balance between all resources - for Tackle, for Black Widow and for Nova. Although allies are not a prime focus in this deck, you are likely to get great utility from Red Dagger who I like to be able to cycle back into my hand each time he is defeated.

Everything is set up to avoid you going to alter-ego, so Ms. Marvel's support cards aren't a huge focus. Use them as resource or put them into play to thin your deck.

With the villain not attacking or scheming and strong encounter card manipulation, this is a great all-round control deck suitable for solo play.