Only Happy When it Rains

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shazbahty · 538

In an effort to push through my off meta hero/aspect challenge by the end of this year is this Storm/Justice deck. Wait a minute no thwarting events that can't right can it? Oh but it is! Not sure about others, but Storm kind of fell into the forgotten for me during the X-Men hype but after revisiting her for this challenge I realized just how powerful she is.

Storm is powered by her weather deck, while not as strong as Dr. Strange invocation deck is till really powerful. This deck is going to primarily focus on Hurricane. Treating her like a flipping hero, you're going to want to end every other turn with Hurricane out. That will be her main source of thwarting. Feel free to use her basic activation to help when needed especially when you have Storm's Cape out. If you weave Thunderstorm with Hurricane can help cover your damage.

So what do you do while controlling the weather? Just blast them with her powerful events like Blast of Wind and Lightning Bolt. Power them with Deft Focus X-Gene and Storm's Crown. Since her kit is so powerful I threw in a bit of the confusion package with Upside the Head and Float Like a Butterfly. That allows you to flip down to use Mutant Education to recur those events.

Storm likes allies, especially if you're weaving Thunderstorm. Hope Summers is there to help fetch those events while Wolfsbane to help dig for them as well. But as always feel free to switch allies up to your preference.

You could switch out Sonic Rifle or maybe Under Surveillance if your playing multiplayer The X-Jet or another card to help with economy because this isn't a cheap deck.