
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

EleeoShow · 8

The idea with this deck was to "Lockdown" the villian by using Upside the Head effectively. Psylocke struggles with stalwart and steady obviously so this deck mainly leans into her strengths to make her more effective in Justice for those of us who wanted to make Justice more viable for her than just thwarting.

Vigilante Training allows you to shuffle back in Upside the Head and her Training Regimen card allows you to grab Upside the head from your deck since its a skill card. Ive wanted to make Vigilante Training work for awhile and her unique ability to grab a skill card with training regime lets you cycle for a consistant stun while your hanging out in Alter-Ego. (So you can do something besides lookin lovely in those pink disco lights).

While your down there hanging out at the disco club in Alt Ego you might as well look for blindfold or Prof X with Cerebro or use her unique ability to cycle them back into her deck if need be first. This confuse cycle with prof x and stun cycle with Upside The Head means youll have a stun effect next turn after you let prof X take the hit like a champ when flipping up

This deck has done really well on expert for me so far. 2/2 on Klaw, Magneto and Goblin.

For those pesky Stalwart/Steady enemies you could potentially throw in 3 copies of Psychic Manipulation and an extra copy of Counterintelligence. And honestly just throw this deck out the window because she isnt the hero to use against Stalwart anyway. Youre better off just staring at her portrait for three hours instead of playing a losing game for three hours.

Let me know your recommendations from play testing this!


Nov 14, 2023 Pedroq · 175

I've liked Lay Down the Law a lot with her more than psychic manipulation. It's way cheaper and fits into the flow of flipping to AE for the allies.

Against steady and stalwart looping Blindfold is a pretty smooth way to build up your board and not risk too much. You get to control the villain's entire turn in solo. Then flip to hero whenever you have a Flurry of Blades. I was able to beat venom goblin expert by staying in AE most of the game, but it did take several attempts. But they were 1-2 hour long game attempts. I was very stiff afterwards. Remember good sitting posture when playing justice aspect, you're going to be sitting there a LONG time, hehe.

Nov 14, 2023 EleeoShow · 8

Haha. I couldve watched three lord of the rings movies by the time i finished all three games the other night. I will look into your recommendation! Im debating switching to Aggression when the new cards drop Friday. And cycling between the stun and confuse events with the aggression version of vigilante training!