Scotts Danger Room Training

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RemyLebeau · 1

The Concept of this deck is simple. Get out the Danger Room then find Danger Room Training on your allies. The rest of the deck is just more value cards and allow you to make quick work of the villain. Just slap Exploit Weakness on that villain and watch your X-Men run like a well oiled machine. Scotts Danger Room Training is a fun deck that makes short work of even resilent villains. I tested it in 2 player standard Sabretooth teamed up with my Wifes Protection Rogue. We tore through Sabretooth Standard in about 5 turns. (Pretty sure it was 5) I advise mulliganing agressively and find Danger Room or Forge (to find Danger Room) or Uncanny X-Men. This was a very fun deck to run!


Aug 11, 2023 celric · 441

Welcome to the publishing club.

Nice low-cost ally deck.

It looks like you are going to be in AE often to maximize Danger Room. In which case, I think X-Mansion + Inspired will generally provide more value than Med Team + Lead From The Front.


Aug 11, 2023 RemyLebeau · 1

Ive made a couple changes based on your recomendations. As well as swapping out magik for Colossus. Instead of swapping out med team, I swapped out leadership skill. I did take out lead from the front though. Will test it later.