Great Goddess of Teotihuacan (or pre-Aztec Spider Woman)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

kikke2 · 730

Welcome to the pre-Aztec Sacrificial Goddess deck.


This is one of my two takes on Spider-woman deckbuilding. You can check the other one (The Great Bombard) here:

This is, without a doubt, my favorite deck to play right now.


I've done the math already, but I invite you to do it be yourself. How much resources do you think you'll need to make 10 DMG in a turn without using your hero? And 10 THW?

You could say that the main theme of this deck (Sneak Attack + Avengers rocks) can work on some Leadership deck, but the Justice aspect add a ton of draw cards (in the form of One Way or Another), a lot of THW control that allow ourselves to stay on alter-ego (to exploit our Jessica Drew's Apartment) and two huge allies on Spider-Man and Speed.

Try to stay a lot on alter-ego form: you will get one extra card each turn, you will have your back cover with Sonic Rifle and you will exploit your Jessica Drew's Apartment, wich is an amazing card. Also, you can use your alter-ego ability to set up some juicy Wiccan thwarts (I recommend to activate Wiccan just on emergency situations, or when you see a 2-boost icon or 3-boost icon on top of the encounter deck to make the best use of it. You deal damage, and prevent huge attacks from the villain at the same time).

Quake is in replacement for an upcomimg Psylocke card called "Lay the trap" that synergize great with Spider-man and this deck.


Jun 18, 2023 josseroo · 702

Strategy-wise, you can't use Sonic Rifle to stay in alter-ego since it uses a hero action, but it certainly facilitates flipping to alter-ego often

Jun 18, 2023 journeyman2 · 23947

Building on what @josseroo said, but Sneak Attack isn’t going to trigger White Tiger or Spider-Man either, since they both require being played, not put into play

Jun 18, 2023 Marctimmins89 · 298

Can you explain the title of the deck? I don't get it.

Nov 30, 2023 gelleetin · 20

@Marctimmins89 I think it refers to The Great Goddess of Teotihuacan, which is also known as Teotihuacan Spider Woman (no dash).