Red Riches Purple Britches

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

celric · 441

The Green Iron Giant

Tony Stark and Bruce Banner have more in common than contributing to quantum time travel in the MCU. In this game, both of them are exponentially better when you build them up.

Play Strategy

Your first time through your deck, prioritize long-term resource investments (Avengers Mansion; Helicarrier; Quincarrier) and toss out the occasional ally or Jarnbjorn when you can.

After that you are balancing building conditional resources (Martial Prowess, Avengers Tower, Banner's Laboratory, Hall of Heroes) with playing allies. Hopefully, your teammates can get some threat control allowing you to flip to Banner to build up even faster.

Once most of your resources are in place, most turns you play an event and an ally. At that point you absolutely crush stuff for the rest of the game.


Some think Hulk just wants to tear stuff down, but to me he's best when you have a little patience and build him up. Have fun!