"The City Is Flying, We’re Fighting An Army Of Robots, And

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
"The City Is Flying, We’re Fighting An Army Of Robots, And 5 6 0 2.0

Amarethus · 319

Clint Barton AKA: Hawkeye

This hero is undervalued but is a stellar all arounder. He has consistent thwart, piercing damage, Area attacks, Stun, and confuse. To top it off, all of them are ranged, and his thwart ignores Crisis!

How does this work?

So the deck is designed to allow Hawkeye to stay up in hero form longer, having multiple ways to mitigate the incoming damage with Energy Barrier, Defensive Stance, Forcefield Generator, and Pinned Down. The use of these allow him to hold out for the right arrow to handle the situation. The extensive Upgrades and Supports used both aid him in this by thinning down the deck to allow consistent grabbing of arrows when using Hawkeye's Quiver. Using Helicarrier, with Government Liaison lets him only need one resource to consistently play Mockingbird. This will also allow a consistent trigger of Sky-Destroyer!


I played this deck in a two player expert Kang scenario with Reavers Modular, to great effect! So have fun slinging your arrows, and answering every situation, your friends will thank you!


Apr 22, 2023 Amarethus · 319

If you’re into this deck, check out version 2.0 where Agent 13 is swapped out for Iceman. That was the actual deck I used, nothing better than having iceman freeze Donald and the reaver he brings out with him.