Web-Warrior Fan Club

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

16 Nights Seeker · 148

Hi, I'm Flash Thompson and I'm the president of the Spider-Man-...I mean Web-Warrior Fan Club. Here at the Web-Warrior Fan Club, we get in touch with The Power in All of Us as we Make the Call to see our favorite Web-Warrior Spider-Man. Or is it Spider-Man? Spider-Man? No definitely Spider-Man. Ah screw it all, our favorite Web-Warrior is Ghost-Spider because she let's us Run and Gun when all else might fail. Trust me though, it won't. Oh and in case you're one of THOSE guys, 42 is still the answer.

We got the King of Wakanda, some crazy old mystic guy and the ever so talented Maria Hill here at the club to tide us over while trying to follow our Web-Warriors Across the Spider-Verse and get a feel for that Web of Life and Destiny.

Now without further ado, let's get to actually explaining what's going on.

Project Rebirth

So, Flash Thompson has the, I believe, unique ability to discard cards from the top of your deck until you discard Multi-Gun or Venom's Pistol and add it to your hand. This puts a bunch of cards in the bin and sets us up for Make the Call shenanigans. Recurring cards is good. Having choices for what to recur is even better. Since we want to get our Web-Warriors in the discard as fast as possible and hopefully see...checks list...Spider-Man? Damn it, wrong one again. Anyway, we want as many Web-Warriors aside from Otto to hit the bin to then get back with either Make the Call or Across the Spider-Verse. For the latter, we'll have to jump through some extra hoops but we'll get to that. Once we've got any of them sticking around, Rapid Response will help us keep em around, while Regroup does so similarly, albeit in a slightly different way, but vastly superior for Spider-Man. Hey I got it right that time! Regroup is also great fodder for Caught Off Guard by the way! Well, the long and short of it is that we can keep using our discard to tutor specific allies we need and our first time through the deck is all about setting up as many pieces as possible to make the next cycle faster.

Grasping Tendrils

Call for Aid allows us to mill our deck until we find either T'Challa or Kaluu and helps us get through our deck faster should we have milled our Web of Life and Destiny away during setup to get our guns. The second time around, it can help us find either of them again as well, but the most important thing to ask ourselves is if we managed to get our Multi-Gun and Web of Life and Destiny. Multi-Gun is just a key part of Agent Venom's kit and Web of Life and Destiny generates a ridiculous amount of value with the amount of times we're recurring Web-Warriors. These two are the highest priority cards to get on the field before we can do Run and Gun things. Having both of Venom's Pistols out is also great and same goes for Project Rebirth 2.0. Agent Venom has a strong kit on his own and we can use our Web-Warriors to enable it while digging for that Make the Call or Across the Spider-Verse.

Savage Attack

Let's go over the various allies we got, starting with the Web-Warriors.


I wasn't kidding when I said she's one of my favs in this deck. Ghost-Spider gets us to Run and Gun or in the worst case scenario just give us an extra resource to spend on...well, anything. There's not a single moment where I'm not happy to have her be one of the Web-Warriors that received the Make the Call.

Scarlet Spider

You'll never be straight up playing Scarlet Spider, but Kaine can occasionally draw you cards, especially if you're familiar with the encounter deck's composition. Remember, you can check the discard pile freely too to make informed guesses. Having him work along side Peter can lead to a lot of value in a single turn.


SP//dr is solid in any Web-Warrior deck and we all know that triggering Web of Life and Destiny consistently with her is amazing. That's still true here, but she's not the highest priority target to get back with Make the Call unless you already have Web of Life and Destiny out. Still, solid as ever!

Spider-Man 1, 2 and 3

Spider-Man a.k.a. Hobie Brown likes leaving and coming back a lot. Free damage is good! Damage he does can range from 0 to 6 or more, but considering the average amount of boost icons is often around 2 you can expect him to do 4-5 damage alongside his normal uses. That's good stuff, especially with Rapid Response or Regroup to do it again the next turn.

Peter might not be able to help his good old buddy Flash ready when he's Venom, but being able to get extra uses out of the other Web-Warriors is amazing. Spectacular even! He's also the only Web-Warrior we can play without needing Make the Call or Across the Spider-Verse shenanigans. The Power in All of Us helps, as well as Venom's own ability.

Otto is a grumpy old man who feels too superior to be participating in Make the Call or Rapid Response shenanigans. If he hits the bin, you let him stay there and shake his fist angrily at Peter. When you get to play him from hand with your Multi-Gun out though? Oh boy, that's real good.

The not-so-much-Wall-crawling heroes

Black Panther and Kaluu are our Avengers of choice so we have stopping points when self-milling with Call for Aid. If you do get to play Black Panther, Make the Call is the obvious target. Kaluu is flexible and that makes him great. The money shot is of course Across the Spider-Verse when the conditions are right, but getting anything out of playing or recurring him is pretty damn sweet. I'm not even going to bother explaining Maria Hill. Everyone enjoys seeing her hit the table, leave and return right away.


Alright, now that we've covered all that, I want to close with why 42 cards. Well, simply put, Endurance is amazing for Venom, we need 2 Avengers to not get burned on Call for Aid and Maria Hill is too good. We also kinda need all the Web-Warriors we can get, so no, we can't cut Scarlet Spider either. With the initial mill and Call for Aid, the 2 extra cards do not harm the deck's consistency, especially since you're going to see a lot of cards with the sheer amount of card draw you can get through Spider-Sense and Web of Life and Destiny in addition to the milling. If you really do want to cut it down to 40, you could cut maybe Scarlet Spider and a Call for Aid, but having only 1 Call for Aid might slow the entire strategy down too much. The deck has been fun to play so far, especially the turns where you get to draw up to 8-9 cards, Run and Gun and slap a Regroup or something onto the table. Venom's kit is really good too, which shores up the weakness of potentially not getting the Web-Warrior engine going. If I figure out some interesting new twist or something that I missed, I will update the deck! I hope you enjoyed reading this and if you can, give the deck a try yourself!