Geo Wants To Ride His Bi-Cycle

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Doctor Strange "Tough Enough" Heroic Ally Swarm 1462 1207 41 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

swordgeo · 60

The idea is to get Wong and Cosmo out to allow us two cycles of Invocations each turn to help us find what we need at any time.

Get Ready enables further, Rapid Response and Make the Call solve emergency deaths.

Aggressively mill for Wong, Cosmo, Cloak/Levitation, only keeping Spiritual Meditations or Mystical Studies in opening hand

Cosmo we intend to load up with toys ala Comms Implant, Laser Blaster, Inspired


Triskelion for a fourth chump (seeing as we’re hoping to always see Wong and Cosmo out permanently) Quincarrier for ramp Yondu (he doesn't have consequential damage on attacks)