The Boy Who Cried "Mutant!"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

eliala · 206

This deck seeks to play allies at a resource positive cost by using Mutant Protectors and block with them. Play Pinned Down on a minion and reduce its attack to 0 so that Protectors plays minions without them actually taking damage from the block. Dredge up Pinned with Scott's alter-ego ability for peerless consistency. X-Men Instruction further increases the reliability of this deck by shuffling missed ally targets back into the deck. Defensive Training serves the same purpose with Protectors. Hangar Bay eliminates the downside of Protectors exhausting allies on entry.

This deck is very fun to play!

Deck name comes from the idea of playing Protectors against a Pinned Down minion -- effectively shouting for help against a 0 ATK enemy.