Iron Man Tech Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jammer134 · 4

Iron Man is one of my favorite Marvel characters. When I first played Iron Man in Champions I was really disappointed in how LONG it took to get his character up and running. Once you got Iron Man to where you could do something, the game was almost over (if you were playing in multi-player). If you were playing solo, the villain threated out fast because you had to stay in alter ego so long.

So even though I really liked the Marvel character, I would never play him. But with the addition of other key cards, I think I've found my new FAVORITE deck to play. Introducing my IRON MAN TECK DECK!

The key are the protection TECH UPGRADES. Electrostatic Armor, Energy Barrier & Forcefield Generator are crucial to getting Iron Man's hand size up to a playable number. AND they have the added benefit of keeping damage off of your hero.

Also important are all of the resources added to this deck. Early on, Iron Man will have trouble paying for the cards he needs to lay down. So There are SEVEN doubles and SIX other support cards that can generate resources. This might seem overkill but getting one or two of these support cards out early helps to make up for a starting low hand size.


Draw your starting alter-ego 6 cards. Mulligan anything that won't help you. Then play Futurist to get one more card in your hand. Goal is to try to get 2 to 3 cards into play per turn. Once your Iron Man hand size will be 4 then flip to Hero. It can be done with 3 if you have some resource support cards in play.

Keep playing those tech upgrades and resource generators when you can. Early on, don't use up Energy Barrier or Forcefield Generator all the way (if you can). Let it stay on the board so you can keep your hand size up.

Pepper Potts is an important card as it will allow you to play any doubles TWICE! So if you have Pots in play and a double resource in hand, you can get those expensive 4-cost cards out no problem. Simply play the double resource card, exhaust Pots to reuse the same double resource, then you can put into play Avengers Mansion or a Nick Fury. Very powerful.

Stark Tower: Great to get spent tech upgrades back into your hand to reuse them.

Once you get your hero hand size up to 7 then you're a powerhouse. With all the protection tech upgrades, you get there so much faster.


Electrostatic Armor: At a cost of 1, this is an easy way to a tech upgrade out, especially early. But you can only have one in play at a time. There are two here in the deck to make finding it easier. Once you get one out, the other one becomes a energy resource generator, useful for Repulsor Blast.

Energy Barrier: This card does THREE amazing things for Iron Man. It gives him the tech upgrades, it protects Iron Man from getting damage AND it causes the enemy/minions to take damage. That a lot for a single card.

Forcefield Generator: This soaks up SIX damage and it's an important tech upgrade. It's great to keep you healthy while you're in hero mode building up your tech cards. Downside is you can only have one out at a time. But since it can get used up there can easily one more around the corner you can play. Or Stark Tower can put it back into your hand. Plus it's an energy resource.

Black Widow: Mainly used to block any really bad encounter cards that might pop up., especially Shadow of the Past.

Nick Fury: Expensive, but easily affordable later on in the game. Mainly used to help mop up the biggest problem you're facing in the moment.

Ever Vigilant: A great card to ready your hero and remove threat.

THE POWER OF US ALL: Important to get as many doubles as I can in this deck. This helps you pay for important support cards like Avengers Mansion, Nick Fury, Helicarrier, Quincarrier and Ingenuity.

The Power of Protection: Again, since hand size will be low when you first flip to the hero, it is important to get those doubles to help pay for important TECH cards or Med Team.

Med Team TEAM: Playing this will help keep your health up so you don't need to flip to alter-ego.

Avengers Mansion: Not impossible to get out early. Gives you one extra card in hand which is essential early on.

Helicarrier: Another aid to get import cards out early

Quincarrier or Ingenuity: Important to get out so you can go AERIAL every round. Or it can help pay for the cards in your hand.

Down Time: Boost your recovery from 3 to 5. Important because you going from a low of 1 health to a max of 17 can take a while.

WHERE IS Repurpose??? I tried a version of this deck with repurpose, but I honestly never needed to use it. So I opted to take it out and put more cards in that can help Iron Man get those tech upgrades out faster.


I'm really happy with this deck and I'm having a ton of fun with it. Please sent me your ideas and thoughts to improve what I have here. Thanks for reading!