Spider-Man - "They Say That A Hero Can Save Us"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
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MarvelFam · 7

Yes. I am jamming Hero by Chad Kroeger while I write this up, and it's hitting me with all that beautiful Tobey Maguire nostalgic goodness. Raise your hand if you're hoping Emo Tobey struts his way into Marvel Champions one day... Hair Flip -- Action: Confuse everyone in the movie theater.

But ok, thematically, I believe Protection fits Spidey the best. Think about how many times he's saved MJ from the clutches of certain death at the very last second. Get Behind Me! is just about as thematic for Spider-Man as Hulk Smash is for Hulk. Save the girl, then throw down a Back Flip for more of that sweet synergy. There's no need for Quincarrier because there are no resource-specific needs here. Use Aunt May for big recovery and Med Team for your buddies.

The main goal of this build is to defend frequently and help out with chip damage, while the low-cost curve keeps you primed for those mega hot Swinging Web Kicks.

Protection gets some heat because it's not as flashy and seems a little more passive, but it's actually a very flexible aspect. It fits nicely on Spider-Man who is already a versatile hero!


Aug 12, 2020 KingOfRohan · 4916