Made of X-Ally Colossus Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Made of X-All(o)y Colossus Leadership 0 0 0 2.0
Colossus needs some help 0 0 0 1.0

Mckiediz · 31

(first thing first : excuse my english as it is not my native language, feel free to point me out any grammar or idiomatic mistake that would lead to a misunderstanding )

This deck is best suited for solo games as it uses a lot -if not most- of the X-MEN basic allies.

The first idea is to acknowledge that Colossus' cards are very powerful although inexpensive, Colossus' events in particular . As the leadership affinity does not lean too much toward dealing with events cards, it is the place to be for this general principle : build up a powerful stronghold of allies to allow Colossus to maintain his tough status cards as long as possible

Uncanny X-Men is your top priority card, you shall mulligan hard to find it. It will reduce the cost by 1 of any X-Men ally when you would swap to Colossus, just like that! You would be tempted to add another Uncanny X-Men to the deck it is up to you.

Weapon X and Piotr's Studio will make this deck mills a lot of your cards, most importantly X-men allies that you would return to play with Make the Call.

That goes without saying that allies are kind of your "tough cards status" , moreover defeated allies combine with Rapid Response allows some lucrative moves. The best combo would be Rapid Response + Beast. This should be played any time possible.

Note that there are only two non-Xmen allies :

1.Nick Fury: it combines well with Rapid Response, most of time I suggest to draw 3 cards.

2.Machine Man: sometimes you will find yourself with a lot of ressource that you wouldn't know what to do with them ;-)

These 2 allies should be the first targeted by villain attacks to assure you they don't mess too much with Uncanny X-Men and Utopia. These allies are to some extent situational.

It is all about tempo here, you decide which ally you want to die or you decide whether you want to loose one if not all your tough status cards and draw with #Iron Will, bring them back this Organic Steel if you can. Stun and Confuse every time you can with Steel FistMirage andProfessor X; get Colossus ready with Utopiaand Bulletproof Protector.

Step by step you will build a pretty solid stronghold of allies + your 2 tough status card; in some scenario you won't even feel the need to heal your identity.

Lastly Piot Rasputin's power will assure you to bring back Colossus cards in the deck and Piotr's Studio + Weapon X to your hand.

Some cards you could add?

+1 Team Training : in addition to be less expensive with Uncanny X-Men X-men allies would live longer giving them +2 hit points in total!

+1 The Power of Leadership

+1 #The Power in All of Us

a 2nd Uncanny X-Men