Stabby Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ChocoboBai · 1157

Wolverine comes with plenty of damage from his hero cards, so pairing with justice gives a nicely balanced deck. When I saw that Track by Scent was basically a better Clear the Area I had to make another justice deck with One Way or Another,

So the main part of the strategy is of course to draw out side schemes, then gain plenty of benefits by defeating them. To deal with thwarting I have added Multitasking and Clear the Area, which work well for solo play.

There is a large payoff for defeating the side schemes here, in addition to the draws you get from Track by Scent. First, Chance Encounter allows you to search for the super-useful Jubilee ally. After boosting the damage you can then ready Wolverine again by triggering Justice Served or using Utopia. With this you end up with high damage output as well as high thwart!

For defence you can rely on a few cheap allies and Wolverines naturally high healing. One thing to note is that I just put Weapon X to have a target for Forge. I generally just use his ability as an extra resource.

I built this for solo play, but it would work fine in multiplayer with a couple of small changes. I would consider swapping the justice events for ones with higher output, such as For Justice! or Crisis Averted (maybe along with Overwatch).